“Let Me Invest In You” A New Crypto Onboarding Strategy

Jay Frank, Esq
2 min readMay 19, 2022

The crypto community has been relentless in telling you to join a community and invest in this coin because it will change your life!

Interestingly, we never said, “You should get into crypto so I can invest in you.”

People Do Not Do Anything for Free.

Consider an open source builder: They may want to build a new integration for Discord/Twitter within web3, but deployment requires gas fees. Additionally, the builder knows the integration will help so many people who want compensation for their time and effort. Everything is Quid Pro Quo.

Additionally, traditional fundraising and Venture Capital (VC) firms are primarily limited in their investment strategy. Not every firm is willing to give every product a chance without the properly sized market, paperwork, and other red tape.

Investors only Invest in Products, Not People.

Whether a full-time entrepreneur or a hobbyist, everyone has a skill that can become a stream of income. Even tweeting can be a skill, as evidenced by the new wave of “social media influencers,” who have begun monetizing engagement on social media platforms.

Today, a person is expected to launch one product, pitch, and make money after the product is launched. However, if investments are allocated to a person rather than a product, there would be a natural incentive to launch multiple products.

Although products are the most important to VCs, the person making the product is more valuable than itself. Without the person, there is no product.

Tokenizing People with meTokens

meTokens is now tokenizing people to create tangible profits from raw productivity. By using collateralized tokens to invest directly in the skills of others, personal tokens create a bridge between the creation, and much needed contribution, of public goods.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

