meTokens: October Updates

Jay Frank, Esq
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2022


Happy Q4 from meTokens! We’ve officially launched are ready to bring personal tokens to Ethereum mainnet!

We’re Officially Live!

No better time to launch personal tokens than in the bear market! meTokens is shipping powerful tools for builder collaboration and web3 social. After months and months of building, we’re officially live on Ethereum Mainnet!

Check out all the newly minted meTokens HERE and stay up to date in meTokens Discord!

More announcements will be made in the coming days and weeks.

BUIDLers in Bogota

After two long years, the Ethereum community reconvened IRL in Bogota celebrating the long-anticipated merge! meTokens was front and center for the action attending EF DevCon, as well as ETHBogota, DAOist and Schelling Point!

To further our goal of creating personal tokens for all builders, we privately enrolled ETHBogota attendees and EF DevCon speakers as the first meToken issuers using meta transactions. Rather than paying to deploy a vault and issue a new token, the transaction is paid from meTokens controller wallet, and bypasses any fees charged to your wallet. By issuing a special code and signing a transaction, select users were able to mint a free meToken.

If you attended ETHBogota or EF DevCon, reach out to us on Discord to claim your free meToken!

Get Paid For Your Time with CalendETH

Since our roll out, our community has asked us to integrate different social dApps and utilities for their meTokens. In addition to tokengated messaging through XMTP, we have begun testing our new dApp: CalendETH.

CalendETH allows meToken holders to book time on a builder or creator’s calendar, and pay using a meToken. Similar to Calendly, anyone can book a slot on your calendar by holding a specified amount of tokens, determined by the owner of the meToken. Mint your meToken today and begin creating a market maker based on your schedule!

About meTokens

meTokens is a personal token protocol built on Ethereum that allows anyone to issue a token! Issue a personal token at and discover your true value!

