OMG How Was ETHDenver!?

Jay Frank, Esq
5 min readFeb 24, 2022

ETHDenver2022 was a 24/7, 20,000 member Discord chat In Real Life (IRL). Unsurprisingly, SporkDAO did an excellent job curating a week of events around Ethereum. The opportunity to join the blockchain community face-to-face after two long years felt like finally connecting the last missing puzzle piece.
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND ALL CRYPTO-CURIOUS PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES ATTEND: Corporate Executives, Developers, Creators, Entrepreneurs, Teachers, Professionals, and Especially Government Officials.

/Too Long Didn’t Read (TLDR)/
What is ETHDenver? A collaborative festival for the Ethereum community where creators, developers and enthusiasts network, build and improve blockchain technology. In one form, ETHDenver is a conference with sponsors and presentations. In another form, ETHDenver is a collaborative effort to strengthen technology by providing developers and users an opportunity to create and improve live products.

Did you have fun? It was an amazing experience. I will likely be at every ETHDenver until SporkDAO is comparable to an A-list or Fortune500 company.

What’s meTokens? meTokens is a personal token protocol that allows creatives to mint and issue their own coin, adding a new layer of utility to traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. meTokens gives creators and their supporters an opportunity to discover their true value, by incentivizing utility with an opportunity to earn.

The Highlights of ETHDenver2022:

  • Check-in at Art Hotel was super efficient, although I am glad I arrived early during the week! All week, volunteers were prepared for the crowd and ensured the smoothest check-in process, including COVID tests. Between public wallets and public wifi, most people were not doing a great job protecting their privacy, although there was a lot of Twitter riff-raff about testing and data collection.
  • ETHDenver’s production crew was astonishing! From keeping events on time to ensuring live streaming of all events, ETHDenver accommodated both IRL and virtual attendees with equal poise. Production also did their best to publish all events shortly after!
    View ETHDenver2022 Recorded Content HERE
  • Attendees had endless access to complimentary coffee and snacks throughout the venues. Not to mention, Arbitrum gave all IRL attendees tokens to redeem a free meal at the food trucks! Although I am curious on how Arbitrum will use the data they collected, food truck tokens was an excellent use case for blockchain within business.
  • Astounding efficiency and professionalism from everyone! It is important to highlight ETHDenver2022 was coordinated by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) comprised largely of contributors and volunteers. Community engagement is not easy! SporkDAO and its community did an excellent job hosting a professional and efficient event.
Arbitrum, a layer 2 Ethereum protocol, provides ETHDenver attendees with free food by providing tokens.


Developers Gather From Around the World at Sports Castle to Prepare for Bounties and a Hackathon

From February 14 to 17th we all gathered at Art Hotel as early as 8AM. Along Broadway, the main street in Downtown Denver, Etherians took over five locations for presentations, networking events, and co-working spaces. By February 18 over 10,000 people had arrived from all over the world for ETHDenver, and the festivities added yet another venue: Sports Castle! In each building, there was a vibrant wave of innovative energy. As founders presented their projects, developers also created and presented new ideas and investors eagerly fancied their interests with the most innovative projects.

All week, new and improved ideas on how blockchain technology can change the world were discussed and materialized. Projects and topics ranged from how to build a proof of reserve for agriculture trading, to the first steps in create a cryptocurrency community. The hottest topics, however, were centered around privacy using zero knowledge proofs. Shoutout meTokens team for building Battlezips for making it to the Top 10 Finals!

BattleZips Team Presents Their 5 Minute Presentation at ETHDenver Hackathon — 7th Place Winner!

Most of the action during the weekend was held at Sports Castle. Between the hackathon, presentations, and networking, it’s impossible to highlight the “Best Part.” But if I had to highlight one thesis, it would be “The Digital State.” Both Jared Polis, Governor of Colorado, and Vitalik Buterin, Founder of Ethereum discussed how blockchain technology can continuously improve business, entrepreneurial and government functions. Governor Polis discussed how the State of Colorado uses blockchain in government, and Vitalik discussed ways corporations can implement better privacy and efficiency by using Ethereum.
Although Vitalik and Governor Polis Have Deeply Different Backgrounds, Their Dual Support for Ethereum Proves Together We Can Create a Safe and Successful Digital State for All Users.

Vitalik Buterin and Jared Polis Pictured together at ETHDenver 2022 After Presenting on the Digital State.

Views From a Community Manager

Even in the midst of all the Ethereum energy, I was able to get some business done. In January, I became the Community Manager for meTokens, a personal token protocol built on Ethereum. While at ETHDenver, the team and I co-worked on new landing page, coded new features for our smart contracts, and engaged the ETHDenver community about interesting ways to create new revenue streams using personal tokens.

The Cliché ‘Your Money Should Work For You’ Should Not Stop With Traditional Assets.

meTokens allows anyone to issue their own personal token. Rather than creating a fixed supply of tokens, all personal are controlled by a bonding curve and are minted when purchased and burned when sold. Using an Automated Market Maker, personal tokens created by meTokens ensure market stability for high and low liquidity markets. Each meToken will have DeFi functions, which will allow creators and holders to lend personal tokens, and in return they will earn interest on lended tokens they lend.

The use for personal tokens is endless. Tokenizing yourself will allow you to interact with your community in revolutionary ways, whether the token is used to pay for services or as a mechanism to visualize growing value. Because personal tokens can be held as an investment or used for consumption, meTokens incentivizes engagement in exchange for funds. I imagine it would be much easier for me to incentivize readers to retweet this if I offered tokens in exchange for sharing. I might even use personal tokens to raise funds to host a Personal Token Summit, and let my holders earn interest on borrowed funds until I recoup ticket sales! meTokens ensures personal tokens create an ability to earn, no matter how the token is used.

I can go on all day about ETHDenver and Personal Tokens, but i’ll stop here! ETHDenver 2022 was a success!

Until the next IRL event, I will be working hard in preparation for meTokens launch.




If This is You, Contact Me!

(🐥) JayFrankEsq

